Sunday, September 05, 2010

pixcha_picha 0.o

gilew - gilew by me :::~


baru2 ni hangat diperkatakan tentang presiden amerika syarikat iaitu Barrack Obama beragama islam, so i wondering about't true. should i take the issue seyesly..well everything start when Barrack Obama support the suggestion to build something like islamic culture centre and mosque not far away from pwtc site..walaubgaimana pun in my opinion i don't think it was a bad idea. project RM350 juta e2 bagaimanapun akan dimulakan pembinaannya awal tahun depan. projek ni dikatakan telah dicetuskan oleh seorang muslim yg mana merupakan imam solat berjemaah di kawasan berdekatan. for me isu ni bkan pelik pun sebenarnya sbb sehingga hari ni terdapat sebanyak 1209 buah masjid telah didirikan di bumi amerika. walaubagaimana pun sesetengah pihak cuba mempersoalkan cadangan ini serta sokongan Barrack Obama terhadap isu ini...ermmm xtahula ape yg diorg nak kita sebagai umat yg beragama islam seharusnya membuka minda terhadap isu2 seumpama ini...menurut kajian juga dikatakan di amerika itu sendiri terdapat lebih kurang 5 hingga 8 juta org umat islam.kalao diperhatikan sekarang ni ramai yg cakap Barrack Obama takkan berjaya menegakkan islam di amerika...omg..ape semua ni..kita sbg umat islam xsptutnya berfikiran seumpama itu. kenapa kita mesti mnyerahkan tugas mendirikan islam itu kepada org lain, in fact membangunkan islam bukan sebahagian daripada  tugasnya. d amerika sekarang juga terdapat lebih 24% rakyat nya mempersoalkan tentang agama yg dianuti Barrack Obama. hurm..mcm2...

j0m jaLan_yenzz

Info Galeri Sg. Golok, Tumpat Kelantan...

tempat ni bagi i agak menarik la sbbnye pemandangan dekat sini ley dikatakan agk tenang. lagipun kedudukan galeri ini yg terletak di tebing sungai golok ni i guess agk sesuai gak utk buat photoshoot ke...well, this place actually amazed me. the enviroment...snyi...sngt tenang..
tp mesti ramai actually yg xtao ttg kwjdan tmpat niw because kedudukan nya yg sngt t'smbnyi...sesiapa yg melalui jalan ke galeri ni mngkin akn terasa cm sedang keluar dari sempadan negara sbb u oll nk kene tmpuh hutan pantai yg agk panjang hingga laa jumpe p'hujungnya.


s00 sweetttttttt...

Bazaar Ramadhan Kota Bharu, sekitar stadium.. looking at the first sight pown i da boleh jatuh hati ngan kuih2 i didn't shock if Bob, my best friend..will spend a lot of money here..haha...maklumla kate Bob...dekat Perak kuih tu ade tp sini lagi bnyak pilihan...sampaikan suatu hari tu sedang kami berjalan - jalan di bazaar tu Bob tiba2 mention "eakh cheese cake"..t'kejut i, org jual cheese cake dekat bazaar...jrg tu...skali i tgk...hakhakhak..tergelak besar ktorg...cheese cake yg d'mksudkan tu adlh puding gula hangus..haha...adoii bob...bob...btw sorry la Bob kite xdpt nk g bt kali t'akhir dkt bazaar aritu..haha...salah kao gak sape suh kao balik awl..haha...semangat je nak balik...whatever pengalaman g bazaar wit u oll sngt mnrik...hopefully for the next 2 sem we can go to the bazaar again..together and buy some kuih talam dkt tempat akak tu yg ade  a variety type of kuih talam. warhhh sngt mnarik bob..sedap plak tu..haha..salam ramadhan n selamat hari raya aidilfitri..

i thought noodles is cool...

Noodles Station....
Noodles Station....
Noodles Station....
Noodles Station....
i really like it, by the way thanks to afiq because ask me to stop at noodles station went we hanging out a few past month. as we know that noodles station is a dining destination that unites fresh food with fast services with affordable was reasonable because i only need to pay below than RM20 for a very delicious serving...Springy noodle with smoked black pepper drumstick or with smoked original drumstick added with ice lemon tea for sure will make you feel hungry to anybody who didn't know where you should go to having a lunch or dinner...i really means sit n order....


at Noodles Station KBmall


diana daud..or also known as miss DD..haha..
actually she is my foster sisz..1st time jumpe die after spm dkat kenny rogers roasters restaurant at berjaya megamall kuantan..time tu i with my uncle go to the restaurant dgn niat nk mntak kejew...the funny thing is my uncle yg tnye ade kjew kosong kew tak, pdahal i yg nk kjew bukan die...biaselarh my uncle ni really caring person...ank saudara semua die after that this lady come uncle yg nmpak restaurant mngr da keluar apalagi...he go straight to this lady and ask for the job..hakhak..time tu i still remenber muke miss dd niw camne...hhaaa...t'kjut kowt org yg da sngt b'umur tp still ask for the job as a the moment she quickly ask, "sape yg nk kjew?" uncle said...owh actually my nephew...jawab miss DD lak.."oo.then why you don't let he talk by himself?, don't worry sy tak makan org...haha...dgn mukenye yg garang time tu mmg laa aku kcut after work with for a few month...i pun b'henti coz niat nk masuk f6 dlu while waiting result from uitm...btw i xlmew powm dkt f6 cz miss DD call me n ask if i was interested to help krr team at the new branch at tesco, kb....after that i quit from f6 and work again with berjaya company...haha...start dari situ laa ktorg rpat blik, lpak smpai pg...mnggila wit die n 2 3 org kwn i...hakhak..btw xlme lpas i msuk uitm die pown benti kjew ngan kenny then kjew lak ngan mb dkt genting...n xlame lps tu die dtwrkan kjew dkt dubai tp die tolak. for that case i also wondering why..btw i dgr die da dpt offer utk join genting management team to managed resort world yg baru dibuka dkt yong i hope you will reach your goal dlm mse t'dkat....haha..always with you_yenzz

Saturday, September 04, 2010

created for :::

black for dinner
my name is Mohamad E'fazril Haika....
im 20years went i created this blog....
i'am kelantanese....
first from four siblings...
really like to travel...
badly like black...
nice to meet u....

i created by yenzzhayka

my long journey has past. now im a banking student at universiti teknologi mara kelantan.
sometimes i suddenly have a thought on what was i. i mean, who am i supposed to be. even i think about it hundred times a day it always come out with the same.i used to be one of national's hope, which only one of the most powerful people in the world. do you think i would able to be someone like that. for me, perhaps..nothing impossible. but for sure it need a lot of struggle.hurmmm...well that's what i need, it was my point of life. i've been dreaming for that ever. so i will try chasing after that point.. and i really hope that the Almighty God will blessing me, gave the chance to me. and if i can catch that point of cause i need to remember that it not come for free, for sure that i already struggle hard in my past.
hurmmm...actually i just talk about something that not happen yet...haha...
ouchhh..this is the worst part in my life actually, it start when i become a one of the uitm kelantan student..most of you must be thinking about the classes rite..hakhak...but's not about the classes and for sure it also not about the lecturer... it's all about i hate that part badly in my life. and for sure in my life i really fucking damn much and hate one person that i was blame for everything that i need to face about. the person who's start ruin everything in my life. for me he's a demon that i'll kill someday. wtf? i almost gave myself up because of this monster. i was freaking depressed with my life. moreover, i start lossing my friends every single day. by the way, dorg sume jenis bajet howt, mostly from kelantan, even if i was a kelantanese but i don't really like kelantanese...sbbnye tularh dorg syok sendiri...bajet diri tu hebat...nampak org laen lbey skit nk dngki...pdhal org tu bkn dtg ngan bmw ke ape ke...hurgh...really mnyampah...well im not maens that to anybody but it specific too some of them that i was meet....really menyampah lorr...korg patot jumpe dngn dowg ni...i don't want to continue more n more...i thought it enough for a little part about them.
by da way after all the worst thing happen to me it's not means that i doesn't have a friends there...i still have a lot of friends...mostly my beloved bff..haha...bob, afiq, cheraf, nurul, kak yanie and joe..even joe are not studying at uitm kelantan anymore....they are my friends that always there for me...i proud to have such friend like them...i hope all of us will be a friend until at the very end of our life....cheers for our friendship... .
that so horrible rite?
but i really thankful to the Almighty God because still blessing me so i don't need to stay alone and survive all by myself because i still have a friends. 
now i just want to tell you a little bit about my daily life at uitm kelantan..well...until now i culdnt help myself. nk bangun pg utk g kelas amatla terseksa. but a great thank to afiq because keep being my alarm clock..hakhak..nk kjutkn org pling la mls afiq...tu la kjew die..hahaha
yela, everyday die la yg kjutkan class can be said as not to pack. the most interest thing is phone are allowed during the classes and bla...bla...bla...haha
guys do you know that once upon a time im also get an offer to join navy interview...but it's really embarrassed experience in my know why, haha...i actually past for their 3 paper writing exam but because of my lack of confident to continue another one weeks of interview at the moment i was voluntarily quit from the interview..haha...
n till now, my mother and other family members including those relatives have bad impression on me. its terrible for me. but i know, in order to quit, thats one of the challanges. so now im still have a chance to be an important now a student in banking management at universiti teknologi mara. my new life still need to struggle in order to continue my new journey, my point of life. i am happy with my current life. the university, the course im taking, the friends, the way i live my life, all are so pleasant for me. yet i try to not remember all my past experiences whenever these stuff across my mind, i try to quickly forget it, think of something else. its okay,it really helped me actually.
now i want to focus on my life now. by 23, i already have a degree in marketing or islamic banking, and i wanna start my real life from there. wanna be successful person, position that can be proud, kumpul duit banyak2 and build a castle for my lovely mum n siblings. that what i really want...haha
before i end my word i really apologise for my grammar that was really tunggang langgang...ntah pape...hakhak...i'll try to improved my grammar as well as possible..hurmm..whatever laa...huhu..